Two immediate options come to mind with regards to displaying this work - TV/monitors and projection. I need to test both out first, but I'm leaning towards having the two works on self contained monitors or television screens for both conceptual and more pragmatic concerns.
Conceptually, the work is in some ways an interrogation of the way in visual media is increasingly doctored to manipulate and put the viewer ease - to operate on a subconscious, less consensual plane. A television screen invites the viewer to focus and engage, to involve themselves in a way similar to how they would involve themselves in a book, in the manner of the more traditional, education-based programming of television networks before the focus-group culture took hold. A projection signifies immersion, is meant to encourage it, and this may well work as counter-intuitive to the some of the core ideas behind my work.
Technically, the video quality of the work, especially Sean's piece, is grainy even on a small screen and I worry a large-scale projection may magnify its flaws. But the fine details go some way in making the work, and these will be, at least partially, lost in the lack of definition one finds in a projected film. It may work effectively in a dark room, but I'm presenting my photographic Visual Research work in the same space so decent lighting is a must.
I'll need to test both options once I have a finished work, but I have preferences in mind.
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